Ladies too love

Happy Wednesday, I wanted to do a link up of some blogs that I love to read on a regular basis, that absolutely drive me with inspiration, to these ladies I would like to say thank you! 

Frocks & Frou Frou - This Gal definitely has it going on. Lilli is a whole bunch of positive wrapped in a darling little package! Her passion for fashion and positive thinking should not be overlooked! 

The Dainty Squid - Kaylah, is such an inspiration to so many women and most definitely me. Her blog is loaded with vintage fashion and collectibles, brightly colored hair and nails and a never ending series of photographs about everyday life!

Rockstar Diaries - Her photos and thoughts are always an inspiration to me. Taza is an incredibly dedicated mommy with a zest for life! Keep on keepin on!

And last but not least a woman I truly adore....

The NearSighted Owl - You just must absolutely check out her blog, Rachele is just bubbling with information and inspiration. She is all about adventure, antiques, owls, and keeping it positive. Rachele does things I don't know if I could ever do. Check her out!   

Well I suppose that's about it for now! Tata ladies & fellas please make sure to spread the love! Julia


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