Moving the Fuck On
Well I've truly gone and done it now. I've done the unthinkable, the unspeakable the horrible grisly thing that no one person ever wants to do. I went and QUIT MY FUCKING JOB. I was working for a company that shall remain nameless that was actually sucking the life from my very veins, inhibiting the flow of life through my body. All sounds a wee bit dramatic eh?! Well its not. As Saturday would roll around and then Sunday, thoughts started creeping into my head, "Almost time to go back. Its okay you can do it, it's only two days a week." Fuck that shit, "No I CAN NOT. NOT FOR ONE MINUTE LONGER, can I walk through that door."
You know what happened since I quit? I've felt my anxiety leaving my body. I've felt stress, pressure and tension leaving my body. I started meditating and sleeping better. This morning, here's the real kicker I woke up HAPPY! Genuinely with out a doubt happy. I made myself coffee and breakfast this morning and I decided to start blogging again. Not out of sheer desperation but by blissful choice.
I finally decided I love myself enough to make the smart healthy choices that I deserve in my life. I finally decided that I'm worth not suffering. I decided to take a leap of faith and trust the small voice in myself, my gut instinct if you will. That I am good and worthy of a mentally healthy existence.
So what happens now? I don't know. I took a leap of faith and I'm trusting the small voice inside my gut, the one that lets me know that everything is going to be okay. Because isn't everything actually always okay????? It is isn't. Somehow as humans we always figure it out, don't we? WE DO.
This is where I shall leave you. I'm not saying quit your job and move on. I'm saying it was my time. I did months upon months of soul searching for this to happen. I listened to self help videos, TED talks, motivational videos, inspirational videos, so on and so forth. This has been a massive elephant in the room for me for well over a year now. And it took me internally fighting all my battles mental and physical to get the fucking courage to move on. This is what I finally had to have! We are not born to work, pay bills and fucking die, we are so much more than that!
I'm worth it and so are you when you're ready!
Nude Cupcake