Thirty IS NOT Twenty!!!

       Did anyone else feel like they smacked straight on head first into their thirties without even so much as a warning. If that that's you would you please stand up! If that's not you and you felt awesome, ready and super prepared well congratu-fuckin-lations you deserve a damn parade,  maybe even a three ring circus in your honor as far as I'm concerned. I am rapidly approaching my 32 birthday (please insert brown paper bag here) and I'm not 100% convinced that I am prepared and ready to cope with this next milestone. If you embraced your thirties seriously you should feel awesome and proud, maybe even accomplished. Tell me what is your secret?

      Why I am not prepared for my thirties. I let myself go. Let me tell you when you are in your twenties thirty is old, thirty is far away thirty is not you......Well guess what, when I was in my early twenties I thought I knew it all I had the world by the balls!  


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