The Journey is about Failure and THAT'S OKAY!

     As I sit here eating cookies and cream ice cream out of a wine glass I am contemplating how failure makes us successful. Why am I eating out of a wine glass and not a bowl? Because I lied to myself and said "Hey it's portion control."  The truth is, that I still have a folding table in my kitchen from Christmas that I have yet to take down and I'm having trouble getting to my cupboards. The wine glass was the path of least resistance. It was in my counter top dishwasher and my need was met immediately. Hence Ice Cream Social for one!

     I am 36 years old and my best friend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD is 37. We were born exactly 1 year and 9 days apart. She is the most courageous inspiring person I have ever met. When we met we were both in our mid 20's going through our individual sets of hardships.  She was seeing a guy named Mike who she was head over heels in love with and I was exiting a relationship being blindsided by the man I loved more than anything in the world.  It was not my choice to exit this relationship. Rather, it was being forced upon me.  I was an inconsolable disaster. I didn't know it then but I had completely abandoned myself, who I was and what I stood for throughout the course of that relationship. Whatever Josh liked, I liked. Whatever Josh wanted to do, so did I.  I still had my own thoughts and my own opinions but I found myself molding myself perfectly into his life making little pieces of myself small and hiding them away, deep down inside of me like those Russian stacking dolls.  Here's the kicker....... You'll never believe this I am the ALPHA and he is the BETA. Like unreal completely unreal.  It took me years to figure out who I was in the aftermath of that break-up but here I am in all my glory loving, failing at life and getting better and stronger everyday.   Life is a Journey and it's all about Failure, for failure promotes growth. 

Anyways more about all of this later, where was I?  Oh yes....... Over the last few years I have really been seeking inspiration and spiritual growth. I look for it in human beings and different mediums. I love inspirational quotes and quotes from our ancestors and people who have achieved and accomplished before us, to enlighten our paths and brighten our futures.  I was 29 years old when I developed my relationship with God, I promise you I use that term loosely very, very loosely. God is to big and to powerful a word for to many people for me to just go throwing it around here. But when I say God I really mean "Spiritual, Spiritually, Spirituality".  If you're not okay with my interpretation of God that's okay because this is my journey not yours.  I want you to know I respect your journey, your path to enlightenment but this one time it's about me. 

     I have unintentionally sought after other peoples successes, in the beginning trying to dissect and understand how you create something from nothing?   I have always had ideals of success in my mind but I have never had them there so intensely, so strongly that I feel I could reach out and touch them, see them, taste them or feel them.  The key to any success from what I gather is relentless work, relentless failure, digging your heels, elbows and claws into any opening any avenue any path that you think might present an opportunity. Most importantly you have to fail. Failure breaks open the mind and promotes growth, it creates emotion and a sense of loss it also creates new ideas, envision what you want and dream big, bigger than you've ever imagined. Because I promise you whatever you want you can have, if you just work your ass off for it.   



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